Typhoon Yolanda: A 100 days after
Last week I visited Tacloban to help out with the communal garden project of Bayanihan Tayo and to celebrate the birthday of my mother without any idea that it has been a 100 days since the typhoon.
And while the city has been cleaned up to some extent, everything else has been slowly picking up withstanding the politicking and more of it.
Typhoon Yolanda Update
You cannot help but notice that everything revolves around the aftermath of the typhoon. It has consumed every aspect of the every residents life. From the debate on when the relief goods are to stop, where to get money for todays expenses, the inescapable reality of the long lines just to buy medicine, the distinct absence of air-conditioning, that the word supermarket does not apply in Tacloban, as do the word Mall, getting home before night falls and dealing with the unforgiving mosquitoes at night.
Life is still hard.
A 100 days after
100 photos for the last 100 days. These are not extensive, being limited within Marasbaras, Magsaysay, the downtown area, Apitong, Caibaan and V&G, this however should be enough to give anyone an overview on how things are within the city.

One of the many Tindog Tacloban Signages

Warning signs are common due to the extensive lootings days after the storm hit.

The junction between P. Burgos St and the road towards Bombo Radyo. I believe this was a cafeteria of some sort.

Tindog Tacloban!

This is the road right after Holy Infant College toward Apitong.

Damaged house in V&G.

Solar Panels being recharged.

Yes, there are cold drinks in V&G.

This is the brgy hall right before the church.

Carenderia in V&G subdivsion.

MLhuillier in V&G talipapa.

A hardware store in V&G is open.

One of the more lucky pharmacies.

Generators and trucks for rent.

Traffic in mid afternoon Tacloban City

One of the 5 ships marooned inland.

Eva Jocelyn will probably serve as a tribute to those who perished in the storm.

Garden plots in Palo Leyte.

Shouldn’t you be in V&G as you promised?

I bet many students felt relieved they still had their school building. Unfortunately for them, this means school classes has to go on.

Leyte Normal University in Tacloban City

This was a gym, pre-Haiyan. Now it’s just an ugly myriad of twisted, contorted metal.

Liceo Del Verbo, erstwhile known as Divine Word University many years ago. Why did people have to be so greedy?

Lions Den, or at least what it used to be. One of the more shocking images for me.

Madonna of Japan

Mitsubishi Motors is open for business.

One of the many No Build Zone markers throughout the city. Towards the sea are what remains of the many houses that stood pre-Yolanda.

The, without a doubt, best ever restaurant in Tacloban City!

Most of the banks are open.

This is somewhere in Phase 4, V&G.

Carpenters are in high demand, at least for the next couple of years.

Another damaged house remains in ruins after 3 months.

In V&G Subdivision.

They say the remaining posts that are not fixed are those of the telecom companies.

Charging business.

I think people are now used to sights like these.

And this.

And more of the same.

While the coco lumber business is booming. They buy felled coconut trees for as low as Php100 and make a profit of Php1,500.

More of V&G.

Leyte Provincial Gym in Tacloban City

Ritz Tower de Leyte

Damaged Robinsons Hotel. Does anyone know if they were looted too ?

Robinsons Mall being repaired.

I know this establishment to be Salong. Lots of memories here during my elementary years.

The single, most shocking image during my last visit. The San Pedro Bay Restaurant has been totally wiped out.

Stereo Sushi.

I think classes has resumed already.

I think they are in the funeral business.

Tacloban Doctors comes off as a ragtag hospital.

They lost their building in Magsaysay Boulevard.

Leyte Provincial Gym in a different view.

Torobay Street in V&G Subdivision

They’re back in business.


The wrecked UPVTC Botanical Garden.

The roof has yet to be repaired.

V&G talipapa palengke central building

Zara Compound in V&G Subdivision


I think this was the An Waray office.

The Astrodome has been converted to a temporary relocation site.

The Balyuan Ampitheatre

In Magallanes,one of the hardest hit areas.

Bunkhouses in Caibaan.

Have yet to open.

Botica Estanislao has been around for years already,

This is in the Coca-Cola Junction

Duptours Office in Tacloban City

and the DYVL Office

EastWest Bank is already open too.

They’ve been around for some time too.

The Fil-Products building is totally wrecked.

While the Gabrino Store has been rented off to become a tiangge.

While Gaisano Capital Central has yet to be totally cleaned off.

Debris pile the frontage.

The Old Gaisano, probably will never reopen.

Mitsubishi Motors.

This was probably Cafe Lucia.

Motel across Cafe Lucia. Lots of people died here too.

And here.

In Magallanes Street.

Houses being built in the No Build Zone perimeter.

Maybe it’s because they have nowhere else to go.

Storm surge aftermath in Magallanes.

Tent City

and more.

Storm surge aftermath.

I don’t believe this radio station is still operating. This is still in Magallanes Street.

I saw alot of Philippine Flags around too.

No thanks for the National Government. Well, I can’t blame them.

We’re on the rebuilding process now.

No Entry Warnings for thieves/looters.

The building right after St Therese. This was used as a dormitory years back.

What remains of the Freedom Park.

One of the few structures that survived the storm surge.

Building beside the entrance to Leyte Park hotel.

Leyte Park Hotel has been temporarilly converted to the Haiyan People’s Home.

A Red Cross Bulldozer.
I might have missed something out, probably a wrong reference or another. Please let me know.
Thank you
21. February 2014 by Renerio
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