Writing and Style

Writing and Style

I’ve been meaning to write more lately and the hardest part is always about getting past writing four lines at most. At some point I feel that I fail myself particularly with the fleeting instances of a light-bulb moment. The worst part, is half believing that I failed myself and the wonderful girl who deserves so much. My writing and style, words & thoughts; they escape me in the random vexes of daily drudgery.


After a few moment of self realizations on the whys, I benign, it could also be because of these readings from writers and bloggers who sates my need to socialize in a subscriber kind of way. I read mostly blogs of lady mountaineers, the lives that they live and that what makes everyone of them human. Oh, and I turn to Saab Magalona’s blog too & Dominique Tiu’s (when everything else fails). Content, the written ascribed are regal to me. It is a work of oneself and gives the writer form in another cosmos and time. Anyone can maintain a personal site sure but incorrect phrases and all that leave such a bad taste. Like a wrongly concocted rum over juice just when you have that urge to drink.


Photos are another thing but are overrated in my opinion. A naysayer on this regard can check out instagram, photo pixlr and the rest. I fancy the minimalist of things and have ever since been so.

On that note, this explains why I do not write often. I think apart from style and time (which really factors in most of the time), I have yet to fully master the art of writing where I let everything flow. One tip I picked up was to use a pen (which was largely popular I would say a few years back) and scribble and let everything else flow. When it comes it will. But I hope to write more this year.

09. January 2013 by Renerio
Categories: That Life | 3 comments

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